Who are the 144,000

NO, it doesn't teach that. Scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:23 speaks of two group resurrection events at least: "Christ the First-fruits", and THEN "AFTERWARD" they that are Christ's at His coming".

The very reason we have scripture in Revelation 20:5 speaking of "The FIRST resurrection" means that there are MORE bodily resurrection events to follow. You can't have a "FIRST" without there being at the very least a SECOND group resurrection event to follow.

Here you have quoted this verse yourself, but you don't believe it apparently. The "First-fruitS" is a PLURAL number of resurrected individuals. We know that there were an additional 144,000 First-fruits also raised to life again that same day as Christ, because these are mentioned in Revelation 14:4 that stood together with the resurrected Lamb on Mount Zion (in Jerusalem that day).

No, it doesn't really. None of those few individuals from the OT and the NT who were resurrected into glorified bodies before Christ the First-fruits and the 144,000 First-fruits had been able to ascend to heaven yet. THIS is the final culmination of our complete resurrection inheritance - not just to get above ground in that resurrected, glorified state. Paul in 1 Thess. 4 tells us when all of these were taken to heaven together with the returning Christ. Those who had been made "alive" by the resurrection process had "remained" on the earth until then, anticipating their eventual transport into heaven together with the others.
Firstfruits is always used in the singular. Think of it as the first batch. Christ is THE firstfruits, not a firstfruits.
Romans 8:23 N-AFS
GRK: αὐτοὶ τὴν ἀπαρχὴν τοῦ πνεύματος
NAS: having the first fruits of the Spirit,
KJV: which have the firstfruits of the Spirit,
INT: ourselves the first-fruit of the Spirit
Romans 11:16 N-NFS
GRK: δὲ ἡ ἀπαρχὴ ἁγία καὶ
NAS: If the first piece [of dough] is holy,
KJV: if the firstfruit [be] holy,
INT: moreover the first-fruit [be] holy also

Romans 16:5 N-NFS
GRK: ὅς ἐστιν ἀπαρχὴ τῆς Ἀσίας
NAS: who is the first convert to Christ
KJV: who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto
INT: who is a first-fruit of Achaia

1 Corinthians 15:20 N-NFS
GRK: ἐκ νεκρῶν ἀπαρχὴ τῶν κεκοιμημένων
NAS: from the dead, the first fruits of those
KJV: [and] become the firstfruits of them that slept.
INT: from among [the] dead first-fruit of those fallen asleep

1 Corinthians 15:23 N-NFS
GRK: ἰδίῳ τάγματι ἀπαρχὴ Χριστός ἔπειτα
NAS: Christ the first fruits, after
KJV: Christ the firstfruits; afterward
INT: own order [the] first-fruit Christ then

1 Corinthians 16:15 N-NFS
GRK: ὅτι ἐστὶν ἀπαρχὴ τῆς Ἀχαίας
NAS: of Stephanas, that they were the first fruits of Achaia,
KJV: it is the firstfruits of Achaia,
INT: that it is first-fruit of Achaia

James 1:18 N-AFS
GRK: εἶναι ἡμᾶς ἀπαρχήν τινα τῶν
NAS: that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures.
KJV: a kind of firstfruits of his
INT: to be us first-fruits a sort of

Revelation 14:4 N-NFS
GRK: τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἀπαρχὴ τῷ θεῷ
NAS: men as first fruits to God
KJV: among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God
INT: the men [as] firstfruits to God

Strong's Greek 536
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How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

How to be saved and go to Heaven: Believe on Jesus Christ(who is God and Lord). Believe(accept it is true) that Jesus Christ alone will save you(save means eternal life in Heaven). Have faith(Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see) and trust(confidently rely on/depend on something being true) in Jesus alone to save you. You can also be saved if you believe and trust that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures for the justification(to make right/forgive) of all your sins.

How would you define trust and faith in terms of how to be saved? Believe, faith and trust are similar terms. Believe means to accept that is true or to be persuaded something is true.

Trust: Confidently(quality of being certain) rely on (Rely: To need someone or something for help. To depend on someone or something)/depend.

Faith: Hebrews 11:1: NIV: Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1: KJV: Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. My version of the definition of faith is confidence in what we hope for and certainty about what we do not see.
The problem, the injustice, of fallen man is his alienation from God, stemming from man turning away from Him in Eden. Jesus came to reverse this anomaly, this injustice, this sin within us, to reconcile man with God. To believe in Jesus is more than believing that He died for our sins or having confidence in His some aspect of His work. To believe in Jesus is to believe in God.
"Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God." 1 Pet 1:21

Everything Jesus said and did was a direct expression of who God is. Faith is the realization, within us, of the reconciliation with God that Jesus came to accomplish. As such it's the restoration of justice within man as it's the restoration of that vital relationship which was broken in Eden. Faith is to acknowledge God's existence, first of all, and His goodness, trustworthiness, mercy, and love. It's to come to know Him, and so to believe in Him. And this pleases Him immensely because this puts man, whom He loves profoundly, into the right place, where we are meant to be, in communion with Him. God's always had only man's highest interest and good at heart while enmity came from man, not Him.
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3

Jesus came to definitively, fully reveal the true God. When we see Jesus, we see God. When we know Jesus, we know God; when we believe in, hope in, and love Jesus, we believe in, hope in, and love God. To the extent that we do these things our justice or righteous-our very purpose- is complete.
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Exodus 31:17 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth"

They all died together most likely from a sudden flood that came upon them.
That is the case for the dinosaurs. Their remains are in flood deposits. Which agrees with YEC that the dinosaurs died in Noah's flood.

Trilobites lived in marine environments from the Cambrian Period to the Permian Period, about 542 to 252 million years ago. They occupied a variety of ecological niches, and their fossils can be found all over the world.

I never heard of Marine animals dyeing in a flood. How does that work out?
So you consider God creating Adam as a Man a scam?
I think it is a scam that you take peoples words and twist them into something they are not saying. That is why they call this a strawman.

I think it is a scam that the only chapter people read in their biology book is the one on sex, with male and female orgrans. The Bible tells us why God made a male and female. For the most part people do not read their Biology book to offer a valid objection. They have no idea what they do not agree with because they never read the book.

Do you really think God is trying to trick and deceive people? Not me. I think YEC are trying to trick and deceive with their interpertation and with their traditions. Jesus warns us to be careful with traditions.
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Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

You mean the couple of thousand that showed up?.....something tells me he ain't sweat'n bullets over that.....
Another weekend, another massive protest.

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An estimated 120,000 people are believed to have rallied in Tel Aviv to pressure Israel's government to approve a deal outlined by Joe Biden - while two far-right ministers have threatened to resign if the proposal is accepted.

Skirmishes broke out between protesters and police, with two people reportedly arrested and 14 injured as police used a sound cannon to disperse crowds.

A water cannon was also reportedly deployed for the protest - believed to have been the biggest demonstration against Mr Netanyahu's government since 7 October - but not used.

Families of hostages said time to get their loved ones back was running out as they gathered in different cities across Israel.

Besides the ongoing protests by families of hostages, Mr Netanyahu is also facing pressure from within his own circles as two far-right members of his coalition threatened to withdraw from the government if he went ahead with a deal that ended the war without destroying Hamas.

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Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

Where do we read about God preserving his word? I believe it's in the book that was compiled by the group that we are tempted to undermine.
Tempted? No we are given the information by that group that they have incorporated paganism in their beliefs.
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How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

A while back, I was debating with a nominal Catholic relative of mine about why same-sex marriage was sinful.
My nominal Catholic relative said that she felt that it was wrong to reject same-sex marriage because Christian can Not enforce their Christian view of marriage on others who are Not Christian. She essentially felt that homosexuals' rights should be respected, and Christians can Not criticize the LGBTQ+ approval and acceptance of same-sex marriage because their perspectives are Not the same as Christians.

My immediate response was more aligned with "fire and brimstone preaching" by passionately criticizing the LGBTQ+ culture by using the following scriptures:

Even though the aforementioned bible verses and passages are correct in condemning LGBTQ+ culture, I was Not satisfied with how I debated with my relative. The reason being is that I was quick to condemn by resorting to "fire and brimstone preaching"

It made me think by asking the following question:

"How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug addiction?"

Please do Not misunderstand me. The use of "fire and brimstone" biblical passages and verses certainly have their place in defending Christian values. However, "fire and brimstone" biblical passages and verses should Not be the sole approach, and in many cases Not the first step in arguing against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug addiction.

"How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug addiction?"
Graciously remember that we are all sinners. Speak as one sinner to another that we all need Grace to obtain salvation.
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Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

It was a graphic version of the book, I see, with Atwood's collaboration. I have to ask: has the actual novel (words without pictures) been removed?
I don't know. For this specific school, the list of books removed in one specific week specifically mentions the graphic novel version.

The story I replied to above is a different Idaho school district, where it appears to be the novel.

My suspicion is that (as we know has happened) the same well-circulated list of 'objectionable' books has been sent to all the school districts. So possibly the novel wasn't on the shelves, so it wasn't removed.
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How can we avoid the same mistake?

How can a Christian get derailed? We know He is God in the flesh.
There are many gods in the flesh. Some do not think that YHWH is the Father of Jesus, but some other God. Knowing the meaning of YHWH, I am protected from that kind of illusions. But there might be other illusions still.
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The "political prosecution"

Biden has done something - no one else has seemed to be able to do. Galvanize the Republican Party behind Trump.
Yeah, the only GOP candidate left in the race for the nomination had 0% GOP support until Biden said something or another about the guy. Even though he polled above 80% favorable during his one term in office?

Come on, at least vet the talking points before trying them out here.
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Governor DeSantis declares "Freedom Summer" by banning most of the rainbow for bridge lighting displays

Anti-Freedom Summer Activists "lined the pedestrian walkway of the Main Street bridge and simultaneously turned on high-powered flashlights that lit the bridge in a ribbon of rainbow colors arching above the St. Johns River" in Jacksonville.

The complicated hues of light sapped liberty from the very bones of the city's shocked residents and a bevy of anxious tourists.

Confusing the concept of "doing something voluntarily" with "freedom", one of the fascists responsible for organizing this affront to the season's approved color scheme said, "If this is about freedom, let's go exercise our freedom, and that's what is so special about what we did tonight."

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It's already started, but people can't see it! THE AWAKENING OF THE ANTICHRIST! Don't get sealed

BREAKING VIDEO: AI Takes Control of US Gas Pumps​

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Crucifixion Dating of Jesus Christ

Without a proper understanding of the meaning of the phrase Echad B+Shabat ['1 of the Sabbatwn'], it is impossible to accurately resolve the actual sequence of events surrounding the death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah,

However, '1 of the Sabbatwn' is not clearly understood, as we do not know, how the authors of the Gospel used this term. The only fact so far is that the expression can be understood in relation to the lunar month. In each of the eight locations where '1 of the Sabbatwn' (plural) takes place, it makes sense that the term refers to the two weekly Sabbaths during the waxing (Acts 20:7) resp. waning (Mt.28:1) phase of the moon.

The Greek Version of the NT uses six different words in association to the Sabbath cycle:

(1) Sabbasin
(2) Sabbatw
(3) Sabbaton
(4) Sabbatou
(5) Sabbatwn
(6) Sabbata

Based upon parsed NT text, the following singular and plural forms of the noun Sabbath (or Greek: Sabbaton) occur as follows:

1. Sabbasin Sabbatw
2. Sabbata Sabbaton
3. Sabbatwn Sabbatou

In deriving the early understood definition of the Sabbath cycle, it then seems significant that throughout the NT, both a singular usage, and a plural usage (as well as different forms) of the respective Greek noun 'Sabbaton' can be found.

Based upon the original usage of a plural Sabbath interval, it becomes clear, that the early week -- as it would have been understood in the early Christian Era -- was rather different from the definition of the week (as used and understood in this modern era).
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SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

They aren’t women, though. Just because they “live as a woman” doesn’t make them one. They’re still men and I’m not going to validate their delusion.

No. It’s not about politeness. It’s about logic and living in reality.
Is it also OK to refuse to accept that people have a personal relationship with an invisible omnipotent being and refuse to validate their feelings - you know, since it isn't about politeness but about logic and living in reality? I can see us only limiting freedom of religion to those religions which can demonstrate the objective reality of their beliefs, the rest don't need to be "validate"d by legal protections.

Seems only fair.
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How to get a wife

The following are not some good ideas. I actually did them, and it worked out for me.

  1. Study hard. Work hard.
  2. Save money. Don't indulge yourself except on special occasions.
  3. Seek God's kingdom first. Find a home church. Participate in the programs that you enjoy.
  4. Keep fit. Exercise regularly. Run a marathon. I ran a few. That was how I tried to deal with the sexual urges: redirection and marathons.
  5. I attended church every Sunday morning and evening. I also attended IVCF every Thursday and the Overseas Chinese Christian Association every Friday, as well as other Christian programs, Bible study groups, retreats, outreaches, etc.
  6. When did I start dating? When I was 25 years old, I thought I was ready. I had $6,000 (1985 CAD) in my bank account. I thought I could get my PhD degree, no problem. I thought I had the money and the spare time from my work and study. The very first time in my life when I asked a girl out, she said yes :) I didn't marry this one. A few years later, I met another girl who became my wife. She is the only woman that I have ever kissed.
  7. Godly women are attracted to a Christian man like that. Don't chase them, but let them come to you. When a woman shows interest in you, take the initiative and ask her out if you are interested in her.
  8. How important is a woman's virginity? It was a must for me, but it is up to you. Lady Diana was a virgin when she married. But then, she had an affair with the art dealer Oliver Hoare while being the husband of Prince Charles.
  9. How important is physical attraction? That depends on you. It was quite important for me, and I had a minimum requirement. It was a necessary condition but not sufficient. I was lucky. I ended up marrying the most beautiful girl that I had ever laid my eyes on.
  10. I didn't go out with a girl that I had no intention of marrying. Still, it is best to treat your Christian dates as sisters in Christ. This also means I was never interested in more than one girl simultaneously. By the way, I had never initiated dumping a girl either.
  11. Pray that you will marry the one who loves God and you the most. Pray regularly that God's will be done, overriding your own liking of women. Prayed particularly intensely before you ask a woman to marry you. I was 31.5 years old, a virgin, marrying another virgin.
Can you advise me on how to get to know my potential wife more deeply and intimately without living together first?

Sorry, I cannot. For that, I relied on God's guidance. See the last item above. I would not go out with a woman who was not a virgin.

Part Dog Myself

I love dogs so much. That is why I limit myself to only two of the. They live in the house and we treat them like family.
My neighbors break my heart when they leave there dog neglected outside. He cries and whimpers a lot.
Yes, he gets food and water but I am not sure about the vet. He is limping today.

I know I can't expect everyone to treat their dogs the way we treat ours. But it seems there can be a fine subjective line between just keeping a dog in the backyard and abuse/neglect.


Two Alabama clinics pause IVF services after court rules that embryos are children

America’s largest Protestant denomination (SBC) may condemn IVF months after Alabama ruling

When the Southern Baptist Convention meets in Indianapolis June 9-12, members are expected to vote on several resolutions, including one that would condemn IVF because it creates more embryos that can be implanted.

The proposal isn't coming from some random Baptist weirdo with a grudge against IVF, but a professor and the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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My step mum is getting baptised into the Mormon church. As a Christian should I attend?


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Under Construction Hebrews It! (Legal Study, Chapter 1:3) Pt. 3c Mal'akh Ha Panim the Effulgence

(Ancient Hebrew Pictograph Website) The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet | AHRC Fair waring, in this site the glyph for Saw-Nay is again given the word "Hate", which is actually a specific violation of true Paleo Hebrew intention. The glyph is thorn and the proper word should be "Recoil" or "Reject".
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Israeli doctor says detained Palestinians are undergoing ‘routine’ amputations for handcuff injuries

What?....that this guy is lying and his lie is being passed off as truth (and it seems YOU believe him)? Yeah, I do think that is
You have no evidence he's lying.
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